Author Interview: Jackson Pearce

Wednesday, September 9, 2009 |

Hey all! Today the next interview will be with Jackson Pearce, author of As You Wish and upcoming book SISTERS RED which will be releasing on June 2010, can't wait for that! Anyways, hope you enjoy the interview!

Did you ever imagine of becoming an author?
YES. In fact, it's all I've wanted to do for most of my life, other than a brief stint as a kid wanting to be a veterinarian.

Which of the characters are you most like in the book, and why?
I'm probably most like Viola, though I wouldn't say I'm a LOT like her. She's much shier than me, and a lot more passive at times. I'd love to say I'm Ollie, but I'm not that well-dressed :)

Who/What inspired you to write As You Wish?
I starting writing AS YOU WISH when my first novel, THE KEYBEARER, totally bombed when I tried to get it published. AS YOU WISH was my escape; I could write it, get invested in this love story, and ignore my frustrations over THE KEYBEARER. Before long, KEYBEARER took a backseat and AS YOU WISH became my new pet project!

What are you most proud of?
Getting a book published! Well, not so much getting it published, but of achieving this dream I've had for so long. I'm so proud and excited to actually see my book in print.

List 5-10 favorite things (Doesn't have to be in order)
Diet Coke
My cat, Alcott
Office Supplies
Big Windows
Vegetables and dip
Britney Spears
Something Corporate

What 5 books would you bring with you if you were going to be left in a deserted island?
The Harry Potter series (that counts as one, right?), and four non-fiction books on how to survive on a desert island.

Are you planning to write more books?
As long as possible, YES! I have another book coming out next June called SISTERS RED, and then one in 2011 called SWEETLY. I'm working on two other new books now as well.

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