Switch by Carol Snow

Friday, December 4, 2009 |

Title: Switch
Author: Carol Snow
Publisher: HarperTeen (August 25, 2009)
Pages: 240
Reading Level: Young Adult
Source: Bought

Claire Martin has some serious body issues.

Not much happens in Claire Martin’s sleepy little beach town, but that’s okay. Let her hang out with her best friend, dream about her favorite lifeguard, and swim on the high school team, and she’ll be happy.

Only one little problem: Whenever Claire she gets too close to lightning, her spirit shoots into another girl’s body. Usually she’s back to her old self in no time – but suddenly she finds herself stuck as someone else: a breathtaking summer visitor who has caught her crush’s eye.

Will Claire ever figure out how to get back to her old life? And, more importantly, will she want to?

Switch is an original and unique novel. I was expecting a whole cliche plot; she switches bodies, have problems, etc... instead I was introduced to something totally new. This time, she was actually happy that Claire had switched bodies.

Snow's writing had absorbed into the book the whole time. I felt like I actually in the novel. She had captivated and engaged the readers with this beautifully written novel. Apart, from where Claire switches bodies, Snow also fills Switch with realistic, and solid characters.

Cameron, and Prescott were the characters I most adored in this novel. They were both five years old which made them cute, and a bit quirky. I loved how they would always irritate Claire, it was fun to see how Claire would react. I sometimes even laughed with their actions, both were very entertaining characters. Nate, the one who Claire has had the biggest crush on was a sweet guy. He was the one character that made me keep reading more to the book. Claire had always been trying to make Nate like him, but it was always this other girl, Larissa. She was Larissa. She had switched bodies with her. This, I found the most was exciting part. Claire took the advantage of being Larissa, and tried to make Nate like Claire, not her, but herself. It seems a bit confusing, I got a bit confused as well, but it was a very clever, and a witty idea of Snow.

Family was also a big part in this novel. Larissa and her dad were never together, which I found extremely sad. Claire was Larissa so she got to read letters straight from her dad. They were touching letters. Larissa and Claire were very different, they were opposite. In Claire's real life, Claire was very close to her mom. They would go shopping together. Her mom would even help Claire with what clothes to wear! I found it extremely sweet, just like my mother and I. =)

I'm actually really surprised with this novel, Snow's other novel, Snap, was not as good as this one. I recommend you read this, it's something fresh and new! A story with unique and solid characters, a fantastic plot, what more do you want? =)

Cover: Photobucket.5


Writing: Photobucket

Overall: Photobucket


Katie said...

Just added this to my list of books to get. Sounds really entertaining with the 5-year-olds & switching bodies for crush damage. Awesome review! :)

Jenn (Books At Midnight) said...

Oh, wow. I was considering if I should pick up this book in the library, but ultimately was hesitant and didn't. I wasn't sure if the whole switching bodies thing would work (ie. guy falling for the wrong girl), but I'll definitely have to read it now. Thanks for the great review!

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