Tweet Heart by Elizabeth Rudnick

Tuesday, October 19, 2010 |

Title: Tweet Heart
Author: Elizabeth Rudnick
Pages: 264
Publisher: Disney Hyperion
Publication Date: June 22, 2010
Source: Publicist

Overall: Photobucket
Claire is a #hopelessromantic. Lottie is determined to set up her BFF with Mr. Perfect. Will wants his #secretcrush to finally notice him. Bennett is a man with a plan.

Claire can’t believe it when her dream guy starts following her on Twitter. She never thought he noticed her, and suddenly he seems to understand her better than almost anyone.

But the Twitterverse can be a confusing place, especially when friends act differently online than they do in person. Things get even more complicated when Claire realizes she’s falling for someone else, the last person she ever would have expected….
#TweetHeart is an adorable and fun read told in tweets, blogs, and email. I really found this whole tweeting idea really clever and awesome! I enjoyed #TweetHeart from the very first page until the end. @lizrudnick developed a story that is light-hearted with very cute romance!

At first, I was a bit worried about how the story would go because it's pretty challenging to write a story through tweets, blogs, and emails. I thought it was going to be a bit hard to follow and a bit choppy… But no, I was wrong! @lizrudnick pulled it off!

All of the characters personalities in the novels were very realistic. I could relate to all and I also have friends who are exactly like the characters in this novel. @ClaireRBear (Claire) is OBSESSED. She's in love with JD, known to be hot, charming, and very popular. @Lots0Love (Lottie), @ClaireRBear's best friend, was such a flirt. She kept chasing guys, though, she was a very supportive best friend to @ClaireRBear. She kept telling @ClaireRBear to actually talk to JD publicly and tried to keep @ClaireRBear's hopes up. @WiseOneWP (Will) was a very quiet, shy, and a charming guy who was secretly crushing on @ClaireRBear. He was such a sweet-heart who I think is way better for @ClaireRBear. And, lastly, the funniest and most amusing guy in the novel, @KingofSlack (Bennett) was my favorite! I kept laughing as I flipped through the pages! He had a great sense of humor!

#TweetHeart is cute and creative with a perfect touch of reality, romance, and humor! Kudos to @lizrudnick for writing this adorable novel!

Cover: Photobucket

Ending:: Photobucket

Characters: Photobucket

Plot: Photobucket

Writing: Photobucket


Louisse A. said...

First commenter!!! :))
Great review, Mavie! I want to read this! It seems so cute! XD Ahhhh! Twitter, Twitter, Twitter! It's so cool how people can find good friends in the world wide web. I'm going to look for this book~ :) Heehee, I'm sure Keila would enjoy a book like this. :D I wonder if we'll ever find romance on Twitter. Joke. That's bad. We might find somebody like Bonquisha. Tsk tsk. I'm talking nonsense. LOL Okay, I'm off before I get arrested for being too sexy (I'm not joking, it's possible.) :)) Bye!!!

Hugs, peace and cookies,

Lynette said...

I've seen this book around. My only question is where I'm from, teens think Twitter is stupid (e.g., more for adults) and are more about Facebook, so I never decided to pick it up.

I might have to give it a try now!

Nina said...

I want to read this one too! I love the sound of it and it's very original. :) Great to hear that the characters are great! Great review.

DJ D. said...

The cover and the concept is what grabbed me at first, but I read a few negative reviews regarding the format. But reading your review has made me want to go pick up a copy! Thanks!

Carol said...

Kudos indeed. I thought the book was pure fun.

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