The Twin's Daughter by Lauren Baratz-Logsted

Wednesday, October 13, 2010 |

Title: The Twin's Daughter
Author: Lauren Baratz-Logsted
Pages: 400
Publisher: Bloomsbury USA
Publication Date: August 31, 2010
Source: Publicist

Overall: Photobucket
Lucy Sexton is stunned when a disheveled woman appears at the door one day... a woman who bears an uncanny resemblance to Lucy's own beautiful mother. It turns out the two women are identical twins, separated at birth, and raised in dramatically different circumstances. Lucy's mother quickly resolves to give her less fortunate sister the kind of life she has never known. And the transformation in Aunt Helen is indeed remarkable. But when Helen begins to imitate her sister in every way, even Lucy isn't sure at times which twin is which. Can Helen really be trusted, or does her sweet face mask a chilling agenda?

Filled with shocking twists and turns, The Twin's Daughter is an engrossing gothic novel of betrayal, jealousy, and treacherous secrets that will keep you guessing to the very end.
The Twin's Daughter is a mysterious and suspenseful read that focuses on the Victorian era. Baratz-Logsted intertwines a story full of mystery, romance, and lies with a bit of history thrown it.

The plot was a roller-coaster ride-- The lies, jealousy, and betrayals slowly start coming in and in. And plus, there were so many twists! The premise was very refreshing and clever. The whole time I was reading this, i constantly was asking myself who was lying, who wasn't, and who knew what!

All the characters in this novel felt so real. Lucy is an independent, smart, and a very mature young lady. Throughout the book, she had lost many people who were close to her, but she just moved on because she was strong and brave. And, there's Kit who's sweet, Helen, Aliese, etc… They all were very well-developed characters.

The relationship between Kit and Lucy, Kit being Lucy's neighbors son, was a great add on to the story. I liked reading about their relationship. The two were good together. Reading Lucy's love for Kit was something that I really liked.

The ending was very shocking and surprising. It's a fantastic ending and it was something I never expected!

If your up to a novel that keeps you guessing the whole time and trying to piece up things happening in the story, this one is a definite read for you!

Cover: Photobucket

Ending:: Photobucket

Characters: Photobucket

Plot: Photobucket

Writing: Photobucket


Marce said...

I really look forward to reading this one, it is on my Wishlist.

Have you read Prophecy of the Sisters series, it reminds me of that and I loved it.

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