Paperback Covers (1)

Saturday, January 29, 2011 |
'Paperback Covers' is a meme that highlights a couple of book cover changes for their paperback release. Both the hardcover and paperback cover will be shown. The new covers are on the left, while the old covers are on the right.

Crusade by Nancy Holder & Debbie Viguie
Paperback release (left): May 3, 2011 - Simon Pulse
Hardcover release (right): September 7, 2010 - Simon Pulse

For the past two years, Jenn has lived and trained at Spain’s Sacred Heart Academy Against the Cursed Ones. She is among the few who have pledged to defend humanity or die trying. But the vampires are gaining power, and the battle has only just begun.

Forced to return home after death takes a member of her family, Jenn discovers that San Francisco is now a vampire strong-hold. As a lone hunter apart from her team, Jenn is isolated — and at risk. She craves the company of her fighting partner, Antonio: his protection, his reassurance, his touch. But a relationship with Antonio comes with its own dangers, and the more they share of themselves, the more Jenn stands to lose.

Then Jenn is betrayed by one who was once bound to protect her, causing her to doubt all she had held as true. To survive, Jenn must find the courage to trust herself — and her heart.

She's So Dead to Us by Kieran Scott
Paperback release (left): April 26, 2011 - Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing
Hardcover release (right): May 25, 2010 - Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing

Perfect, picturesque Orchard Hill. It was the last thing Ally Ryan saw in the rear-view mirror as her mother drove them out of town and away from the shame of the scandal her father caused when his hedge fund went south and practically bankrupted all their friends -- friends that liked having trust funds and new cars, and that didn't like constant reminders that they had been swindled. So it was adios, Orchard Hill. Thanks for nothing.

Now, two years later, Ally's mother has landed a job back at the site of their downfall. So instead of Ally's new low-key, happy life, it'll be back into the snake pit with the likes of Shannen Moore and Hammond Ross.

But then there's Jake Graydon. Handsome, wealthy, bored Jake Graydon. He moved to town after Ally left and knows nothing of her scandal, but does know that he likes her. And she likes him. So off into the sunset they can go, right? Too bad Jake's friends have a problem with his new crush since it would make Ally happy. And if anyone deserves to be unhappy, it's Ally Ryan.

Ally was hoping to have left all the drama in the past, but some things just can't be forgotten. Isn't there more to life than money?

The Unwritten Rule by Elizabeth Scott
Paperback release (left): May 24 2011 - Simon Pulse
Hardcover release (right): March 16, 2010 - Simon Pulse

He's looking at me like—well, like he wants to look at me.

Like he likes what hes sees, and he's smiling and hiw eyes are so blue, even in the faint flow of the porch light they shine, and I nod dumbly, blindly, and then grope for the door handle, telling myself to look away and yet not able to do it.

"Sara," he says, softly, almost hesitantly, and my heart slam-bangs, beating hard, and this is what it's like to want someone you can't have. To want someone you shouldn't even be looking at.

What do you think of the new paperback covers?


Raíla said...

Except for Crusade, the other paperback covers are even more gorgeous than the hardcover ones! LOVED the last two you posted. :)

Anonymous said...

I prefer the paperback for the first two and the hardcover for the Elizabeth Scott novel.

Jess Day said...

Aw I loved the original Unwriten Rule cover....

Anonymous said...

I love the paperback cover for Crusade, I love the colors and swirly font. I prefer the hardcover covers for the other two, they just look more interesting and something that would catch my eye in a bookstore.

Unknown said...

The only paperback cover I really like is Crusade

~The Book Pixie said...

For Crusade, the hardback cover is hands down my favorite.

Not really a fan of either She's So Dead to Us Covers but I can see how they'd both fit the story, especially the paperback.

The paperback cover for The Unwritten Rule is prettier to me but I feel that the hardcover really represents what the book is about in a better way than the paperback.

~Briana :D

April (BooksandWine) said...

See I really like the Crusade cover and She's So Dead to Us, but I think the pb for the Unwritten Rule is a little too angular and bony.

Christina T said...

I prefer the hardcover for Crusade because it fits the story better. I like the paperback for She's So Dead To Us. With The Unwritten Rule, I like both but prefer the hardcover a little more because it reflects the story.

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