Young Adult Book Release Guide - Looking for a Helper

Saturday, January 8, 2011 |

Just this week, on one random night (January 5, actually), I was thinking about all the young adult releases. Then, it came to my mind that I should have a separate blog just for it, so, ta-da, the Young Adult Book Release Guide was born! It's just pretty much a collection of all the upcoming books in certain categories; books by publisher, books by title, books by author, books by month, books by genre, and debut books. I've started on the lists already (I've been working crazy hard) but I am so not close to being done! There are now lists for the following categories: books by month, books by genre, books by publisher, and debut books, just not for: books by title and books by author. Though, as I've already said, it is not close to done at all... There are still hundreds (and even maybe thousands) that can still be on those lists! I am afraid I won't be able to work on these lists as much as I want to because school starts on Monday, so it's going to be a crazy whirlwind for me again.

Now that being said, I am looking for a young adult book blogger who is organized and responsible enough and is willing to help me out in young adult book release guide! Although, if your chosen, please remember that you are a temporary helper/assistant so it's not a permanent job. I'm thinking of it to be a 3-4 week thing, but, it really depends. Just remember, it's temporary so don't kill me once I tell you I can handle it all by myself already! It's either I'll tell you that or I'll switch helpers so anyone else who wants to help, may have a chance.

(if you'd like to help me with the young adult book release guide)

Be sure to check out the blog and the lists! There's also a form in the blog for a book submission - where you can put a book you want added into the lists and categories. That's it for now... Happy Saturday!


Anonymous said...

What a fantastic idea! One of the items on my to-do list is to get more organized with the books I'm looking forward to and the ones out there--thinking your new site's going to be a massive help with that! Thanks. :)

Ria said...

That's a pretty cool idea, I must say. YA novels are more awesome that a lot of people give them credit for, but I admit that I don't tend to keep abreast of them unless they're fantasy, urban fantasy, or speculative, so I'm probably not the best one to offer help on this. Most YA novels end up slipping under my radar because I don't always have an interest in the subject matter.

But best of luck, regardless!

Stormi said...

Good luck that sounds like a big task. I need to get more organized with my book that I own and want to buy. :)

Momo (Books Over Boys) said...

That sounds like a great idea! :)

Jenni @ Falling Off The Shelf said...

Great idea! I'm now a follower. I like how you have a form to fill out for upcoming books if we happen to come across them. I'm always coming across new books, so I'll be letting you know :)

Jenni @ Falling Off The Shelf said...

I do have a suggestion. Why not link each book to it's amazon, or goodreads page? It's always easier to add a book to your wishlist that way.

Dani said...


Ingreads. said...

Great idea! Thank you, this is going to be so much easier to find books!

~The Book Pixie said...

What a terrific idea! Wish I was organized enough to help. XD But alas, I'm behind on my own blog. Hope you find a great assitant to help you out. :D


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