Prophecy Of The Sisters by Michelle Zink

Friday, August 21, 2009 |

Title: Prophecy Of The Sisters
Author: Michelle Zink
Publisher: Little, Brown Young Readers; 1 edition (August 1, 2009)
Pages: 352 pages
Reading Level: Young Adult

An Ancient Prophecy Divides Two Sisters--




Twin sisters Lia and Alice Milthorpe have just become orphans. They have also become enemies. As they discover their roles in a prophecy that has turned generations of sisters against each other, they find themselves entangled in a mystery that involves a tattoo-like mark, their parents' death, a boy, a book, and a lifetime of secrets.

Lia and Alica don't know who they can trust. They just know they can't trust each other.
MICHELLE ZINK takes readers on an unforgettable journey in her page-turning debut novel.

Prophecy Of The Sister's is a book you can never forget reading. I was so engrossed with the book. Michelle Zink had written this book so perfect that she absorbs you in. From the start to the end it was just a book you could never stop reading. The whole book was just extraordianary.

Michelle Zink executed the plot with great, outstanding skill. The plot was flawless, it was perfect. Everything just clicked. The plot was more than excellent. She has a gift in writing, that only a few authors have. Her writing just blended so well with the whole idea.

In the book, I thought Lia was the one who kept trying and running in all the events and conflicts that happened. To me it looked like she was the only one *busy* (as in trying and trying). The tattoo mark, the book, all these things that Lia encountered, she was the one who was trying to solve each and everything. I really liked how Madame Berrier helped Lia a lot. She was the one who helped Lia solved the things needed to be. She had some background knowledge with Lia's problems, or such as the figuring out what prophecy is/mean. With Alice, she must fight. She has to beat Alice.

Overall Michelle Zink delievers a prophecy inlcuding defeat and hate. With a fantastic plot, fantastic characters, fantastic setting, it's a fantastic novel.


Briana said...

Good review :) I'm not sure if I want to read this or not but you made it seem great.


Michelle Zink said...

Thank you for the lovely review!

Mavie said...

Thanks Briana! It's really good, well for me, I don't know. If I were you , I guess I'd give it a try!

Your super welcome Michelle! I'm jumping for joy right now, I can't believe you commented on my review!!!! I'm super happy!!!!

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