Author Interview: Tom Dolby

Tuesday, September 29, 2009 |

Today I will be featuring Tom Dolby, author of new release Secret Society! It actually released today so Happy Release Day!
Hope you enjoy this interview!

What gave you the idea to write Secret Society?
Secret societies are so intriguing and I knew that it would provide the perfect background for an adventure story.

From this book, which character are you most similar to? If not, most differences?
I think I am probably a combination of Patch and Phoebe. They are both very committed to their creative projects.

So far, the ones who have read Secret Society, what has been the best thing someone said about it?
I love it when people say they read it in one sitting!

Do you have any must-have's while writing?
A comfortable chair, peace and quiet, a cold beverage!

What is your most favorite book ever?
So hard to say! Well, I have always loved Catcher in the Rye. I really related to it when I first read it at age seventeen.

Lastly, is there anything else you'd like to add?
I love hearing from readers -- it's so great to see so many people blogging and Twittering about the book.

Wait! Remember to check these awesome sites of Tom Dolby:

HarperTeen feature:

So remember to check out those awesome sites and again Happy Release Day for Tom Dolby!

Thanks for the great interview!


Sara said...

I saw Secret Society last night in B&N - and it looked awesome. The cover is absolutely beautiful! I can't wait to read it!!

Holly said...

Tom sure is handsome! The book sounds great, on my list!

Eleni said...

I agree w/ Holly he is handsome!

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